

How to create a Contact form / Contact Us for your blog ?

Before you install a contact form on the blog, it's worth considering the good and the bad first. One advantage of the good or the contact form facility that is easier for visitors to send a message to you.

Where we can get a contact form? outside there are so many websites that provide this facility,,, and many others.

Contact form Tuntun Arto use a contact form of

The following are the steps to create a contact form using contactr.

What is Contactr?

Kontactr is a one-click free contact form service. With Kontactr, you can fight against the amount of spam that you receive daily. Protect your email address by using our highly secure contact form. You can also use our simple tools to embed the form right into your own website. Everything is as easy as 1, 2, 3...

1. Please visit the site (open in new window)

2. Aim your eyes to the right of the monitor.

3. Click on Sign up >>>>>>you will see an image bellow:

4. Fill out the existing form with the data yourself:

First Name: »fill with your name. For example: username.

Email address: >>fill with your email address.For

Username: »fill with the desired username. For example: username.

>>Than your address will be Your URL :<< Type Password: »fill with keywords that were in the fill. For example: 123456.

Retype Password: »fill with keywords that were in the fill. For example: 123456.

5.Click the Sign up.

6.After writing up thank you, please check the email that was in the input by you to check the verification email.

7.Open the email sent from the show, EmailMeForm Your new account information.

8.Click on the link provided in that message or if not, copy the URL address and paste in the address bar of your Internet browser to verify that the email was in the input is really yours.

9.After the verification process is complete, please click on click here to get to the page your account control panel.

10.You will see several codes there select the code you like to use for your contact form .

11.To create a contact us page, you simply make a posting as usual. To insert code that was in the can from EmailMeForm, your first move from the Edit menu to compose the HTML and paste it in there

12.Copy the code in the text area, under the heading Copy and paste this HTML code into your post than publish .


see you on next post .. have a great day !!!


Snd's on September 7, 2009 at 4:32 AM said...

Nice info sahabat

Free Software on September 7, 2009 at 6:02 AM said...

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Agung AP on September 7, 2009 at 6:32 AM said...

wah bisa saling kontak nih di blog ama pengunjung, info yg MENARIK!

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